Hey quick, whatta ya call a mash-up between the current Seahawks mascot and a former franchise legend at QB?


Dave Krieg won't be there, but Blitz certainly will! Get your Blitz on as the Seahawks mascot is coming to Yakima April 26th!

San Francisco 49ers v Seattle Seahawks
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Blitz, and a first round Sea-Gal to be named later will be at Davis High School in Yakima at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 26th, to celebrate the FUTP60 start-up!

The Fuel Up to Play 60 program is the Dairy Farmers of Washington and Seattle Seahawks' way of encouraging students to make healthier food choices. The school nutrition program coincides with a physical activity wellness program.

More than 1900 Washington schools have been impacted by FUTP60 and that number continues to grow rapidly. The Yakima school district implemented Fuel Up to Play 60 in all 14 elementary schools. With this funding each school is starting a smoothie program to ensure each student starts their day with a healthy breakfast. They will also receive new physical education equipment to incorporate an active lifestyle with their healthy eating habits.

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