Over the years, various proposals have been put before voters that not only would have refurbished the aging Toyota Center, but also (in various ways) added onto the Three Rivers Convention Center and surrounding area.

The most recent was The Link project in 2017. It would have turned the Toyota Center entrance 1/4 to the east, created a new entrance to meet with an "L-shaped" addition to the Convention Center. It would have added tens of thousands of square feet to Center, and a 3,000 seat additional theater. It would have been paid for by a sales tax with a sunset clause, would go away when paid for. The L-shaped "Link" would have joined the Toyota Center and the Three Rivers facility.

However, it was narrowly defeated by voters. According to input from a variety of voters and citizens, there seems to be an opinion that a measure that would replace or greatly refurbish just the Toyota Center would pass.

The current Toyota Center is about 30 years old, with leaking plumbing, infrastructure, and visiting WHL teams who come to play the Americans refer to it and the visitor's locker room as "Alcatraz."  Regardless of opinions, the building is old and needs replacing. Many promoters and civic officials say it's limited size (roughly 6,000 seating) prevents it from grabbing top-tier entertainment tours and shows.

What are your thoughts? If there was a measure, fueled by a sales tax and NOT property tax (and it had a sunset clause), would you vote for it? Take our poll.

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