We love living in Washington, but it's weird to think about how the places you love could kill you someday.

  • Flooding Continues To Affect People's Lives On The Somerset Levels, Matt Cardy/Getty Images
    Flooding Continues To Affect People's Lives On The Somerset Levels, Matt Cardy/Getty Images

    Dam Breaking

    Could you imagine the chaos that would occur if one of Washington's dams collapsed? Grand Coulee's spillway capacity is 1,000,000 cubic ft/s. It would be completely catastrophic if Franklin Delano Roosevelt Lake was drained and the waters flooded down the Columbia.

  • Radioactive Waste Cleanup Continues At Hanford Nuclear Reservation, Jeff T. Green/Getty Images
    Radioactive Waste Cleanup Continues At Hanford Nuclear Reservation, Jeff T. Green/Getty Images

    Hanford Nuclear Site Accident

    Hanford continues to be the most contaminated nuclear site in the United States. The toxic waste tanks have been known to burp after being opened, and those who were not wearing ventilators have claimed that their lungs were completely destroyed after breathing in the toxic fumes. Other concerns regard the nuclear waste leaking into the Columbia river and tainting the wildlife and water supply.

  • Napa Area Businesses Continue Recovery Effort From Earthquake, Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
    Napa Area Businesses Continue Recovery Effort From Earthquake, Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

    Cascadia Fault Earthquake

    Researchers believe Washington is long overdue for a massive earthquake. The pattern of quakes is every several hundred years, and Seattle being built on low elevation could see incredible damage from a shake in western Washington.

  • EHEC Outbreak Claims 11 Lives, Courtesay Manfred Rohde/Getty Images
    EHEC Outbreak Claims 11 Lives, Courtesay Manfred Rohde/Getty Images

    Bacterial Infection Outbreak

    With all of our farming, livestock, and orchards, a bacterial epidemic could not only get us killed, but ruin the economy. Washington is the number one producer of apples nationwide, and that business alone travels all over and brings in a great amount of revenue. E. coli from vegetables could end up in grocery stores and restaurants, infecting thousands.

  • Fire fighting, blew_i
    Fire fighting, blew_i


    In 1902, the Yacolt Burn killed more than 65 people after spreading over 238,900 acres during its turmoil. As recent as 2015, we experienced one of the most man-heavy wildfires in recorded history. The Okanogan Fire destroyed a whopping 195 buildings and other structures.

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