I wasn't sure what to make of this when I first saw it.

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And the comments on the Kennewick Police Facebook are comical. I can only imagine what the original owner of the stolen truck must be thinking, "Who would do this to my vehicle?"

I wonder how many vehicles Jeremy Garcia spray painted before he was caught.


Police recently noticed Garcia spray painting the truck in the 400 block of North Volland Street. After investigation, it was determined that the truck was reported stolen out of Richland.

Garcia was arrested and booked into the Benton County Jail for Possessing a Stolen Vehicle.

I have so many questions.

1. Was Jeremy Garcia working alone?

2. How many other vehicles were stolen? And how much spray paint does it take to cover an entire vehicle?

3. Why would someone purchase a spray-painted vehicle?

Anyway, read on for your enjoyment. The comments are fantastic. And, so is the Kennewick Police Department!

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