Kennewick Spot Named as Having Food so Good It Should Be Illegal
When you think of the best food in town, there are probably a few places to come to mind. But when you think of food throughout the state, Tri-Cities, Spokane, and Ephrata may not have places that stay at the top of your list. However, according to the website, Only in Your State, we've got some of the best "Unspecting" restaurants that have food so good it should be illegal! It's always interesting to see what people who aren't from around these parts think of food around our lovely part of the world, and I for one, think this list is pretty legit.
Coming in at #5 on the list is Kennewick fave, El Fat Cat Grill. That's pretty much a no-brainer for anyone who's eaten there. Other places pretty close to Tri-Cities made the list as well: at #2, Europa Bakery and Restaurant in Spokane, #6 Smitty’s Conoco Cafe in Yakima, and #9 The Puka Shack in Ephrata. FINALLY, someone's noticing the incredible food we have in the Northwest. But let's not hope they keep coming back, we don't want all of our secrets out there. Click here to check out the full list. Happy eating!