Breast Cancer Awareness

We Were Flocked for Breast Cancer Awareness
We Were Flocked for Breast Cancer Awareness
We Were Flocked for Breast Cancer Awareness
Arriving at the radio stations this morning, we weren't quite sure what to make of the pink flamingos.  Everywhere. After some investigation, we discovered we'd been "flocked."  We are honored and will be having a few people flocked.  What a wonderful way to bring awareness as well as a smile to others...
In Case You Missed it My Interview With Tracci Dial From KNDU
In Case You Missed it My Interview With Tracci Dial From KNDU
In Case You Missed it My Interview With Tracci Dial From KNDU
So as you know October is Breast Cancer awareness month and this year I decided to go public and have a mammogram on television...I know crazy right?? It was for a good cause and I WOULD not have done it unless I had the best newscaster in the business and that is Tracci Dial....
Breast Cancer Also Affects Men
Breast Cancer Also Affects Men
Breast Cancer Also Affects Men
It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and while all the pink we see on the players during NFL games in October mainly focuses our attention on how the disease affects women and what they can do about it, we should also keep in mind (or learn) that men, too, can contract breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, one in 1,000 men will fall victim to the disease, which claims the life of
Free Seminar Gives Keys to Thriving Through Cancer
Free Seminar Gives Keys to Thriving Through Cancer
Free Seminar Gives Keys to Thriving Through Cancer
Michele Nieson is a three time cancer survivor and has learned much through her journey. She is now giving advice about her experiences including keeping a sense of humor, tips for staying healthy, positive imagery, and gearing up for survivorship.