Michael Jordan is finalizing a deal to sell the majority share of the Charlotte Hornets, a move that will end his 13-year run overseeing the organization.
There's no denying the power of Anthrax singer Joey Belladonna's voice, but how would he handle the American standard, 'The National Anthem?' Audiences found out Friday night (April 5) as Belladonna walked out to center court at the Chicago Bulls-Orlando Magic game at Chicago's United Center to open the night's pre-game festivities.
Whether it’s points scored or money earned, Michael Jordan is used to ridiculously high numbers. And that’s not about to change anytime soon.
There must have been a mix-up in TNT's control room when the second half of Tuesday night's game between the Miami Heat and the Chicago Bulls began.
That's because basketball fans were treated to a live feed of one of TNT's cameramen rather blatantly using the tool of his trade to check out the women in the crowd at Miami's American Airlines Arena.