There's a bunch of stuff in Washington that's also around the world, but i wanted to take some time to find the things exclusive to only Washington State
I've been told Diet Coke will kill me, so before coming to the studio I stopped by Super Target to pick up a sandwich and some fancy health/energy drinks. I'm not really one to buy fancy drinks - I think froo froo Starbucks coffee drinks are a waste of money and many other drinks are popular mostly because they look aesthetically appealing...
I love to experiment with everything. Mostly different kinds of food and alcohol. Some twenty years ago I used to bar-tend at a 'Biker Exotic Dancer' bar and the guys were always asking me "West, make something up." So I did.
There is nothing quite like being catapulted 40,000 feet into the air and feeling the effects of a high pressure, high altitude beer buzz while being shuttled at top speed across the great American skies.