It blows my mind that once someone buys a lotto ticket they do not check it the next day. I try to buy a lotto ticket every time we get paid, just in case. When the lotto numbers come out, I watch for them.
Yup, I am that person. In the 24 hours I buy my lotto ticket and before they read the numbers, I have a list of things I am going to do. Yup, I am that person, too. New York sold a lotto ticket
It is so hard not to buy a Powerball lotto ticket when it is up to $235 million. I always dream of what I would do with that kind of money. I would make sure that all of my bills were paid first, but honestly, I would probably just go fishing every single day, everywhere, for the rest of my life. As high up as the lotto is, the cash option would be $148.7 million!
Steve Myren is a Morrow County undersheriff. He lives and works in Boardman, Oregon. He bought an Oregon lottery ticket at the Boardman Chevron. Then he was struck by lightning -- in a good way.
I mentioned the other day that both lotto's were up past $100 million bucks! That number is increasing with each ticket of the Power Ball and Mega Millions. I have a few places that I have won over $100 bucks at. Because of this, they are my places I buy my tickets.
The jackpot for the multi-state Mega Millions lottery now stands at $363 million, causing even those who don’t normally play to throw their hopeful hats into the ring for Tuesday night’s drawing.
Are there things you can do to boost your chances of winning?