A couple of times per year, Central Washington University (CWU) in Ellensburg is required by law to maximize the use of all of their assets and, when they have no further use for them, make an effort to maximize returns on their sale as they are not allowed to give surplus property away. What does it mean for you? SAVING MONEY!
Our average record temps in the Tri-Cities are around 100 for the month of August so when we are complaining about the temps, be thankful that you don't live in Death Valley.
It might not seem like it's been a cold October but last month, Kennewick, Yakima, and Pendleton broke previous records of coldest temperature readings on record.
Listening to music on a record player has gone on the way side. I still love keeping my vinyl because it is so much fun to look at. Most of my cool looking records I have hung up on my wall.