If you haven't had the chance to visit Roller Coaster Fireworks in Battle Mountain, it's worth getting off the highway for. The Fourth of July is less than three months away after all.
Tommy Lee is no stranger to the legal system, having several run-ins with the law over the years. Now, according to TMZ, an engineer claims he had the idea for the Motley Crue drummer’s circle-shaped roller-coaster drum solo back in 1991.
Given their terror-inducing nature, roller coasters can turn even the bravest thrill-seekers into whimpering babies. Watch as 10 men get much more than they bargained for on coasters and, for good measure, two giant slingshots. But, really, can anyone blame them? We’d probably cry for our mommies too.
Motley Crue, Poison, and the New York Dolls kicked off their US Tour Tuesday night in Dallas, Texas with Crue drummer Tommy Lee debuting his new "360" drum kit. Check out the footage after the jump.