Hang in there - the Blue Bridge paint project is nearing completion. Over its 70-year existence, the bridge has had multiple paint jobs, not only to keep it looking good but also to protect the bridge’s structure. It was last painted 30 years ago in 1994. How much longer will daily traffic be an issue?
Major changes are coming to Sylvester Street from Road 54 to the east corridor. Currently, Sylvester Street has two 11-foot wide lanes going in each direction with no room for pedestrians and bicyclists.
I-84 has reopened after crews plucked two semi-trucks from the Columbia River near Biggs. According to the Sherman County Sheriff’s Office, The trucks left the highway and crashed into the river within a few hours of each other.
Do you notice this too? It can't just be me who sees this time and time again. Drivers are either too distracted, or even worse I fear, there are those who know they're doing it, know that it's a dangerous risk, and are doing it anyway. Is it just becoming acceptable?
Bradley Boulevard and Falley Street will be closed at George Washington Way near Roaster’s Coffee on Wednesday, July 21, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for maintenance of the traffic signal controller.