If you're from the area, or been here long enough, you know we've got great wine. We've got some of the best wine in the world, in my opinion, but not many people know that outside of our region. The wine industry knows, but most of the would does not. Well, CNN just published a story that may help change all of that.

Today, CNN published an article about Washington wine country, the Tri-Cities, and surrounding areas. The article focused on how great the area is for wine growing and making, and how we're the new upcoming wine country. The author interviewed several local winemakers and people in the wine industry like Abbey Cameron from the Walter Clore Center in Prosser, Shae Frichette from Frichette Winery, and more. It's cool to see that we're getting national attention, but I hope that doesn't mean people will be flocking to come here. OR maybe that's a good thing. More money for local businesses and money from tourism.

Well, for now, it's kind of nice to be a little unknown. Maybe, this is the calm before the storm. Either way, it's nice that the hard work of so many people in the wine industry is being recognized. To read the full article, click this right here!

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