10 Reasons to Never Visit This Private Naked Northwest Spa
So you want to get naked at a hot spring, good for you! However, you might want to read some of these reviews from some of the "clothing optional" hot spring locations around the Northwest before you decide to venture out. Some of these reviews are so bad, you would think they are not even written by real people. For instance, the Carson Hot Springs Golf & Spa Resort seems like a great place to visit with a 4.1 out of 5 rating, until you actually read the negative reviews.
They went on to describe a list of things that were wrong. Prepare yourself.
Sounds like they had a few issues with the bathroom as well. #3 sounds like a crappy apartment I had in college once.
Don't ya just hate it when there is mold all over the place? It makes me want to hold my breath the whole time I am there.
Believe it or not, the mold was not the worst thing they found.
I would like to think that after the blood stains, I would call the front desk and demand a refund. Believe it or not, there was more to their review.
I think that the last comment says it all about the chance that they might come back.
I don't know if I have ever read a worse review for ANYTHING EVER. They have a lot a great reviews that speak highly, but this one will definitely keep me away.
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