25 Musical Acts We’d Like To See At Benton/Franklin County Fair!
The Benton-Franklin Fair and Rodeo is around the corner and we've got a pretty sweet line-up this year that includes Trace Adkins and Nelly. I thought it would be fun to throw it out to you on who you'd like to see at our local fair.
I posted the question on Facebook and got some great suggestions.
Our list had a few criteria though. Our list had to reflect reality and stay within the cost of a fair's budget the size of ours. It meant that acts like Elton John, The Eagles, and Tim Mc Graw wouldn't make our list.
I think we did pretty good on some of the acts and we also tried to go across all genres from county to pop to rock and even Disney artists. Take a look at our gallery below and let us if you agree with our picks:
25 Acts That We'd Like To See At The Benton/Franklin County Fair
Did we leave anyone off our list that you'd like to see? Feel free to app chat us your picks on the APP below and we'll add your suggestion to our list.

You can check out this year's Benton-Franklin County Fair and Rodeo's concert list here.