50 Community Resources Supporting Americans Financially Impacted by COVID-19
As Americans come to terms with the new realities of life during the COVID-19 pandemic, countless mutual aid networks have blossomed in every corner of the country. From direct financial aid for artists to grassroots workers fighting to end incarceration, people are mobilizing across the country to help each other.
Using several crowdsourced resource lists, researchers at Stacker curated a list of 50 mutual aid funds and other similar community resources for Americans who are struggling due to the virus. The list includes both national and local resources. Many resources are updated frequently as the pandemic continues to shape life in the U.S., so you can check resources directly for updates; there are ones available to help Americans from all walks of life. Plus, it turns out that mutual aid is a massive, possibly instinctive, human response to this pandemic.
As we all face this new normal together, it is worth keeping in mind the similarities across most of these efforts: We are quickly deploying high levels of creativity, solidarity, love, and compassion all over the country to support one another. Although each resource differs by detail, the underlying core is the same: we, together.
Science bears out that humans are hard-wired for empathy, along with many other species across the animal kingdom. “With familiarity, other people become part of ourselves,” said James Coan, a University of Virginia psychology professor who showed that people’s brain scans closely correlate to those of people to whom they are attached.
The resources in the list spotlight how deeply connected we are to one another. And perhaps, even beyond the direct support they offer, give a window of hope into just how instinctive it is for humans to make sure they can help one another in times of need.
KEEP READING: 50 community resources supporting Americans financially impacted by COVID-19
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