And the Babe of the Week is…Jacqueline Suzanne!
It's getting a little chilly this week, but our Babe of the Week is here to fix that right up.
Winning by nearly a 10% margin against six fierce competitors, Jacqueline pulled a whopping 32.9% of this week's votes, and secured her spot as Babe of the Week. To win with that great a margin you need smarts, and she's got them for sure. In 2011, she started a small business, called Aphrodisiac Ice Cream. After watching the commercial, we’re convinced that she is a beautiful genius.
Jacqueline now moves on to fight for a spot as October's Babe of the Month. We think she'll do just fine:
Here’s the deal: At the end of the week, each Babe of the Day will compete for your votes and the winner will become Babe of the Week. Each week’s winner will then face off to become Babe of the Month, and those winners will then duke it out for – you guessed it – the Babe of the Year title. Only those lucky ladies will be inducted into GuySpeed’s Hall of Fame, an honor reserved for the hottest of babes.