Benton County, Get Rid of Your Old Tires for Free This Weekend
Free Old Tire Return This Weekend
Old tires can be a small fortune to get rid of, which is why you need to take advantage THIS WEEKEND!
Benton County Old Tire Removal This Weekend
This Saturday from 7 am to 3 pm in Tri-Cities, you can drop off up to 20 tires per household absolutely for free for most of the Tri-Cities. Normally it costs $4 per car tire or $9 per truck tire to drop them off at the Richland City Landfill.

That cost can add up quickly if you have a few sets to get rid of. So why is it free this Saturday in Tri-Cities?
Mosquitos Are the Reason
Mosquito-born illness is a growing problem in the Tri-Cities area, and tires are one of the main ways they reproduce. Old tires kept outside collect water that is perfect for mosquitos to lay eggs inside. A single female mosquito can lay thousands of eggs in one tire alone with the potential to cause a large population control problem. The tires are a unique advantage, creating the cover and insulation the eggs need to hatch.
Because of this health risk, the Washington Department of Ecology has teamed up with the Benton County Mosquito Control District to collect tires for free this weekend.
When and Where to Drop Your Tires Off for Free
You can drop off up to 20 tires per household for free this Saturday from 7 am to 3 pm at the Benton County Mosquito Control District building at 4951 W Van Giesen St, West Richland, WA 99353.
You can drop off the tires at the specific time and location if you can prove you live within the district's area in Benton County. If you are not sure, check the map above or click on this link to the Benton County Mosquito Contol District map. Franklin County residents are not included in this free old tire collection.
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