Will This Destroyed Tri-Cities Sign & Huge Eyesore be Fixed?
(Singing 80s pop song) I saw the sig....wait what is that? Are they finally fixing it?
Tri-Cities Work Zone Formed: Roadsign Eyesore Being Fixed?
If you drive along WA-240 near the Columbia Center Blvd exit, I am sure you also see the same destroyed roadsign just barely hanging on to a bent frame I see every day. I saw the sign again today looking the same way it has for months, but it now looks like it might finally get fixed. I was driving on WA-240 in the Tri-Cities and noticed some new work zone crews working near the Columbia Center Blvd exit. They looked like they were setting up to build a new large sign structure in the same area. Anyone who drives through that area has noticed the huge roadsign half-hanging after being taken out by a "bad driver" months ago. The sign I am talking about is to the right of the onramp onto WA-240 from Columbia Park Trail.
WA-240 Tri-Cities, Washington Sign Destroyed Multiple Times
The current hanging sign for the Columbia Center Blvd exit is not the first to be destroyed in that location. I know it has been replaced at least 3 times over the last 5 years and might have been replaced even more. WSDOT was seen today making changes to that area in a work zone further down SR-240 from the destroyed sign. After I drove by, I was hopeful the sign was finally getting fixed and immediately got on the WSDOT website to search for active projects. I could not find any reports of this work zone construction on the WSDOT search projects page and instead decided to call and ask in person.
WSDOT SR-240 Maintenence This Week
I called and talked with Meagan Lott, the WSDOT communications manager for the south-central region, and asked about the construction. She told me WSDOT crews would be updating the signals and lights between Eddison and Columbia Park Trail this week. Crews will be working in work zones with flashing lights and cones or barrels marking shoulder closures from 7 am to 7 pm. The WSDOT crews were adding new guardrails when I was driving by earlier today. I also asked about the destroyed road sign and Meagan said there is a plan to replace it soon although she could not give me an estimation of when it could be completed. hopefully, it will be soon because I am really tired of looking at it and I am sure I am not the only one.
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