Disney’s Star Wars Souvenir Soft Drink Bottles Banned by TSA
If you properly calculate the jump to hyperspace and make it to Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge in California's Disneyland, you'll notice the bottles of Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, and Sprite are interestingly shaped.
You can only get the special bottles there, which are mostly round with a sort of "stem" sticking out which is where the cap sits.
It's a thermal detonator.
Remember, Princess Leia wielding one, in disguise trying to rescue Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi? (I'm a fan)
Well, now even a Jedi Mind Trick won't work getting those babies through the Mos Eisley spacepo, er airport.
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) says the bottles are not permitted in either carry-on or checked luggage on aircraft as they look like real explosives.
TSA officials say it's because "packing inert, replicas, or toy explosives in luggage has the potential to impact travelers."
May the Farce Be With You.
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