Guitarist Builds Stage on Beater Car and Plays in Parking Lot
Kingsport Times News/Rick Wagner
Musician Timmy Mcnew's unique stage setup went viral on Facebook a couple weeks back. Dude built what looks to be a real sketchy double decker stage on top of his classic 1979 Buick LeSabre, and we are both worried and impressed.
In a video from a fellow musician's FB page, Mcnew's performance in a Lowe's parking lot in Kingsport, Tennessee atop his vehicle's 13-foot platform has been shared about 60,000 times. With his dog Red riding shotgun, Mcnew laced the parking lot with searing jams, a waving American flag punctuating the impromptu concert. Watch the video here.
According to an article in the Kingsport Times News, Mcnew pulled up on a Sunday afternoon and played for tips collected in a white pickle bucket. He describes himself as a "lead and rhythm guitar player for rock ’n’ roll and Christian rock." Mcnew's social media says he's "Rocking for JESUS CHRIST."
The car/stage build out is bananas. There is some piping supporting planks and boards on top of the car. The back half, bolstered by a perma-open trunk, has aluminum shelving on the sides that looks like it's Red's domain. It gets more dicey towards the front. An old work or card table has been converted to a second platform, accessed by a 3-ft ladder on the side, with patio lattice and some wood strips encasing amp housing underneath. It looks like a stiff breeze and a speed bump would be the end of it all. Mcnew brings a mic stand up and plays on top.
The Buick is spray painted with a some religious sayings, a "song list" featuring "Enter Sandman" and "Black-n-Black", and the ubiquitous "420."
Mcnew smoked a cigarette, chatted and posed for pictures with a reporter for The Kingsport Times News. He said the car is legal because it's below the max height standard of 13 ' 6", and he won't do over 55 because the platform will lift that car up at those speeds. Amazingly, Mcnew says he used to have a mini version of the same thing with a Ford Focus. So, the LeSabre is an upgrade.
Mcnew told the Times News that with his tip money he was going to buy some fast food, go back home to do some laundry, then drive to Florida.
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