Has Eugene, Oregon Parks & Rec lost their g**d*** minds? Just look at the monstrosity in the photo above: a rope and wall for climbing, and two slides; sculpted in the nightmarish image of the Hellraiser movie franchise's iconic villain, Pinhead, who looks just as creepy and blasphemous in plastic-and-steel.

Here's the Situation

This eyesore showed up over the weekend at the once lovely and serene Owen Rose Garden City Park. The City of Eugene has apparently renamed this patch of grass the "Hellraiser Park and Urban Bird Observatory."

These liberal sh*theads have gone too far this time. It's clear they are trying to groom our children to be... Monsters. Satanic, evil monsters. They obviously want to normalize this sort of thing.

And you know this abomination will just attract weirdoes to our nice little town. Do we want to become a tourist destination for serial-killers and occultists? In my opinion, NO. We have to come together as a community and nip this in the butt bud before things get out of hand. Let's send this horrific "children's playground" back to hell. Or better yet - Portland. They like it weird there.

I Can't Believe This is Real

@BarbieWilde, Twitter
@BarbieWilde, Twitter
@PrimInspire, Twitter
@PrimInspire, Twitter

Because... It's not.

It's as fake as my faux outrage.

@PrimInspire, Twitter

It's a Prank.

Sort of. The creator didn't actually say it was real. He simply posted the images online, and tagged Owen Rose Garden City Park, which is featured in the image with Pinhead's Playground.

The images caught traction and found me on Twitter, where I fell for it. I had an entirely different article ready to go before I figured it out. That's because the man who created this tribute to Hellraiser is a fantastic 3D artist.

Who Created the Pinhead Playground Equipment in Eugene, Oregon?

Cabel Adams
Cabel Adams, Facebook

I tracked Cabel Adams down on Facebook, to ask permission to use his images for the article. That's when I saw a ton of awesome 3D sculpture-style artwork from the guy. I had to laugh at myself. I'd been duped!

How Does Cabel Adams Feel About the Reaction "Hellraiser Park" is Getting?

"It’s been fun," Adams says. "A lot of people assume it’s real, and leave funny reactions. Or just share the post without realizing it’s a spoof. I like it. My life was more magical and meaningful when I believed in things like Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc. So I enjoy that part."

The artist adds: "I try really hard to get the details and lighting down to make it appear real. So when it does, I’m appreciative. I think people initially believe it, but upon closer inspection of my (social media) profiles they soon realize it’s all in fun."

How Does Cabel Adams Create His Amazing 3D Artwork?

"I use a combination of photography, augmented reality, virtual reality sculpting, and 3D rendering software to produce these images. This scene was sculpted with Adobe Medium software. I’ve been doing this for about 4 years."

Can We Expect More Photo-Realistic Fun in the Future?

Adams says, "I enjoy doing these and have many more planned for the near future."

I can't wait. He'll probably dupe me again. Lol...

Follow Cabel Adams on Social Media

If you want to keep up with Cabel Adams' creations, give him a follow on Facebook, and Instagram.

Meanwhile, let's take a longer look at "Hellraiser Park" and some of Cabel's other work, which he creates under the pseudonym "Siriu$."

Will You Fall For Cabel Adams Fantastic, Ultra-Real 3D Artwork?

Cabel Adams, a/k/a Siriu$ is a 3D virtual sculptor living in Eugene, Oregon. When he places his art in real settings, unaware audiences believe it's real.

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