Here’s What’s New In Phase Two for Benton/Franklin Counties
We did it! We finally made it to Phase Two on the pandemic recovery scale and Benton Franklin Health Districts have released revised Phase Two guidelines.
This will come as good news for sports programs and entertainment venues that have been on hold since last year. BFHD has a complete listing of the requirements on their website but we also have the abbreviated version below that breakdown what might be more important to you.
Indoor Dining: Maximum 25% capacity
Indoor Fitness: Maximum 25%, moderate risk, no tournaments
Indoor Entertainment: Maximum 25% capacity
Home Gatherings: indoor 5 people, outdoor 15 people or 2 households
Weddings and Funerals: 25% capacity/ 200 people whichever is less
Outdoor Entertainment: groups of 15, 2 households per group and 200 maximum
Metrics updated every two weeks.
You can see "what's open" here
You can see the "Metrics" here
I know people are restless and ready to get things open up again so this is welcome news for South Central Washington Region. St. Mary's in Walla Walla had not been reporting their numbers correctly so luckily that oversight was corrected and we are moving into Phase Two.