Holy Hired Hooker! When Ho Won’t Leave Richland Man Calls 911?
A 53-year-old Richland man was allegedly all horned up on Saturday night and decided to enlist the services of a woman who was reportedly working the world's oldest profession. She showed up at his crib in the 2000 block of Stevens Drive (near Jadwin), and he invited her to step inside.
Once the door was closed, apparently a dispute over the fee -- or the services -- or the services requiring a fee -- eventually led to her locking herself in the bathroom.
Around 11:30 a.m. the next morning (Sunday) he called 911 because he was going to church, and he was going to be late because she wouldn't leave. Don't you just hate it when that happens?
Greeting law enforcement responding to a 911 call on your front porch with a holstered pistol is probably not the wisest choice at any time -- even Sunday before noon.
Officers calmly took the man's gun and walked inside the home where a 26-year-old woman slowly began revealing details of the circumstances (uh, yeah, I offered sexual favors for money) over the last 12 hours or so.
Cooperative at first, when the man was told he was being arrested for solicitation of prostitution, he quickly became uncooperative and was eventually tased and arrested for resisting arrest to go with the solicitation charge.
He did not make it to church.
More here.