Nothing beats a road trip. You know the best part of a road trip in Washington State is picking out the snacks at the convenience store.

The #1 Road Trip Snack Makes No Sense To Me For Washington State

I'm old school when I road trip. I have to have a Pepsi and then I grab a few other things like chips and a candy bar. I like the combination of sweet and salty so that's how I roll.

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I read a recent survey that said what was the #1 snack for a road trip in Washington State and I totally disagree with the survey.

What's The #1 Road Trip Snack In Washington State?

The #1 snack doesn't even make sense for Washington State, especially since when I'm at the convenience store, I don't see rows and rows of this item.

The website recently did a survey of the #1 snack travelers prefer in Washington State and lo and behold their survey says rice cakes are the #1 preferred snacks in the Evergreen State.

I see them occasionally at the store but I'd much further believe that candy bars and chips would make more sense.

The Other States Picked Potato Chips, Washington State Picked Rice Cakes

It is interesting that other states prefer other snacks, most interesting is Pennsylvania picked pretzels, which makes sense since UTZ, a pretzel-making company is headquartered in the state.

Back to the rice cakes though, the survey was done with Google searches for the last five years and then compiled the findings. Potato Chips still reigned #1 over 10 other states. Oregon picked "Flamin' Hot Cheetos" and Idaho loves "Combos".

I still love my candy bars and chips but for now, I'll concede that rice cakes are the champs for now.

You can read more about the survey and check out the other states' results here.

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