Idaho Named One Of Nerdiest States In Country
Whether you're someone who collects comic books or regularly participates in roleplay-type games like Magic: The Gathering or Dungeons & Dragons, you've probably been called a nerd before. A survey has put Idaho among the top five states home to those who enjoy stepping out of their own skin from time to time to let their imaginations run wild.
I was just called a nerd a few days ago by one of my oldest, childhood pals. We were discussing sports cards and memorabilia collecting and I was bragging about some items I had. I've been collecting for over 40 years and will be handing down my items to my kids at some point.

We recently took my son to a Comic Con convention. If you've never been to one, these are gatherings where people dress up as their favorite fictional anime or superhero characters and wander the aisles where vendors sell merchandise. My son, who's seven years old, dressed as The Rake, which is a fictional horror monster that was created by an Internet artist years ago. He won first place in his age category for his costume.
Zippia released a survey that identified the Gem State as the fourth nerdiest state in the U.S. A number of my coworkers are massive fans of franchises like The Mandalorian, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Stranger Things, and Lord of the Rings. It's okay to be nerdy, in fact, I'd rather be grouped right along with the rest of them than be known as someone who lacks personality and creativity.
Utah was named the nerdiest of all states, with Oregon, Hawaii, and Washington State rounding out the top five.
Nerds rule!