A British mathematician swears the next time you pour out a Guinness, you might fancy it more if you sip it from a martini glass. Poppycock you say?

LiveScience.com says University of Huddersfield math whiz William Lee has studied the unique flow of bubbles in the Irish beer (of course he has....for research only, I'm sure) and it turns out martini glasses help the beer's bubbles settle faster.

Back in 2012, Lee and his colleagues used computer models to investigate why the bubbles in Guinness and other stouts appear to sink downward while the beer is settling — seemingly defying the laws of physics. (After all, since the bubbles are less dense than the liquid, shouldn't they always rise?) At that time, they determined that the bubbles were obeying the laws of physics --they were sinking because a "circulatory flow" in the glass directed the bubbles downward at the sides of the glass and upward in the middle.

But what was causing that circulatory flow?

The math professor created a computer model --and confirmed it with a mathematical model-- to figure it out. It turns out it's the shape of a traditional pint glass --which is wider at the top than the bottom-- that produced the circulation. But a martini cocktail glass, with its steeply slanted sides, allows the bubbles to flow more quickly to the bottom and then rise to the top.


Still not going to do it, are you?

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