6 Popular Food Items Gone Forever at Washington Stores. 

You know how sometimes you're just set for a particular flavor, taste, or mouthfeel or whatever you want to call it and you can't find it? Get ready It's a new year and we are kicking off that new year with things you can't have. 

Here is a list of six products that are no more in 2024. 

atomic fireballs 


This is a spicy, hot, "cinnaminny" kind of product. And unfortunately, it has been discontinued by the manufacturer. If you like these and you find somebody that has them, buy them all. (yes, check Ebay) 

Jalapeno Pringles.  


I like Pringles. I even like the spicy Pringles. I'm a little sad that the Jalapeno Pringles are going away. They do have several other spicy flavors, but not jalapeno.  


Dunkin' Donuts To Challenge Starbucks For Coffee Supremacy
Getty Images

It's hot coffee. It's hot cocoa. It's not available anymore at Dunkin' Donuts. Dunken released a statement. “The Dunkaccino is retired for now, but there's always the chance for its return in the future.” You should have no problem finding a replacement for this one. 

 Maple Cherrios 

Dry wholegrain cheerios in a cereal bowl

OK, this one's kind of a surprise because it was really popular. But it's gone now. Cheerios, com says.
“While we can’t promise that we will bring it back, we will let our team know that you would like to see this return to the shelves. Thank you!"

Micky D’s Apple Fritter 


The McDonald apple fritter is no more. If this was one of your favorite breakfast items. I'm sorry. It's not the only bakery item that's gone from McDonald's menu, the blueberry muffin and the apple and the cinnamon roll are gone as well. 

 Nabisco Chocolate Wafers  


Now I'm not surprised by this when the only time I have seen Nabisco chocolate wafers was in somebody's dessert casserole. I have never seen them for sale on the grocery store shelves. However, a lot of people are very upset about this right now there is a petition out to bring back Nabisco chocolate wafers and it has over 10,000 signatures. 

What food item that is gone now do you miss.


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Gallery Credit: Johnny Thrash

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