Blood Supply Critically Low in PNW, Can You Donate the Gift of Life?
The blood supply in Washington is critically low.

To avoid a blood shortage, the Washington State Department of Health and Northwest Blood Coalition are urging people to make donations today. Giving the gift of life is an incredibly rewarding experience. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, demand for blood is constant and transfusion needs increase, however, donations go down.
How can you help?
You can help by visiting scheduling an appointment with a blood center, the American Red Cross, Vitalant, or Bloodworks Northwest. Anyone who is at least 18-years old, in good health, and weighs 110 lbs may donate whole blood every 56 days. Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
Nationwide, the American Red Cross was short approximately 25,000 donations during the first two months of summer. Smoke and unhealthy air conditions due to wildfires canceled several blood drives that were scheduled. This is why it's critical to schedule and keep your appointment to donate blood.
It's difficult to keep hospital shelves stocked with precious, life-saving blood.
Trauma patients, transplant recipients and cancer patients undergoing treatment depend on generous blood donors. With fewer donations, hospitals cannot keep blood products stocked.
“As we approach the Labor Day holiday, eligible donors are encouraged to visit their blood centers and help stabilize our blood inventory this summer," said Angel Montes, American Red Cross Northwest Region regional donor services executive. “Please make an appointment to give to ensure blood is available for patients in need.”