Bands That Broke Up in 2023
Can you believe these bands all broke up in 2023?
Of course, they all had their reasons for doing so.
Whatever their reasons, we've had a yearful of bands reaching an endpoint. Do you remember any particular band you like that split for good in 2023? Perhaps there are some band breakups you forgot as 2023 progressed. Well, we are here to remind you.
Start reading the list near the bottom of this post.
READ MORE: Bands That Broke Up in 2022
What Bands Broke Up in 2023?
But breaking up is a hard thing to do. And some bands need to end things on a timetable all their own. So, as honorable mentions, we've also included the bands that announced or alluded to their breakup in 2023 but haven't put the final nail in the coffin yet.
See that down under the list of bands who legitimately called it a day this year.
Bands That Broke Up in 2023
Gallery Credit: Philip Trapp
Honorable Mentions: Bands That Announced or Alluded to Their Breakup in 2023
Gallery Credit: Philip Trapp
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Gallery Credit: by Jordan Blum