When you hear of someone working for the city, what do you think of? Somebody who drives a street cleaning vehicle? Well, yes but there's so much more. Naturally, police and fire would be included in working for the city. But there are also municipal services and employee and community services as well. Even working for the city manager or the city attorney would qualify. And when you have a city job you get all the benefits that come with it. According to the City of Kennewick human resources website, they employ about 418 people in different departments.

How would you like to make between$4000 and  $5700 a month? If you feel like you might qualify to become an administrative assistant with the fire department, this job could be for you! They are also looking for part time and seasonal jobs. That would include a lifeguard, pool maintenance, and assistant pool manager. The City of Kennewick is also looking for maintenance workers for the parks and facilities in our area on a part-time basis with variable hours, and a recreation assistant for the South Ridge Sports Complex. There are several other jobs available, to check them out click HERE.
Career One Stop.org is also a great place to find out information on changing careers, what to do if you're a worker with a criminal conviction, 55+ workers, and entry-level workers. It's a good place to start for salary information and career training. You'll also find assistance on how to file for unemployment insurance or find out if there's available money (grants) for training.

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