Kennewick Cat Killer Case Closed? I Call B.S.
My wife and I were watching the news last night when the story broke about the Kennewick cat killer and how the CASE IS NOW CLOSED. We looked at each other and said, yeah I don't think so...I'm not buying it.
Authorities sent mutilated cat bodies to the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine, and their findings are that the culprit is a coyote. Kennewick Police were initially looking for some creepo cat killer, but now consider the cases involving seven dead cats closed.
Meanwhile, there haven't been any reports of a coyote or coyotes running rampant in the city limits that I'm aware of. Not that they are never spotted, but I would think that with so many dead cats, more reports would be circulating. On our radio station social media sites as well as local TV news station Facebook pages, it looks like 50% or more of the comments also believe it's too early to close the cat killer case and that this is not the work of coyotes. But then, you could also say the sky is blue and someone will argue with you these days.
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