Kennewick Macy’s Store Survives the Corporate “CUT” List
A bright spot already in 2021 is that our local Macy's store will stay open even after the announcement that several Washington Macy's will be shuttering their doors.
Kennewick's Macy's store at the Columbia Center Mall isn't slated to close in 2021 as several Macy's will close down including two stores in Washington State.
Stores in Federal Way and Spokane will close as part of the 125 three-year plan to liquidate the poorer performing stores from their portfolio.
Federal Way's store is located at the Commons and Spokane's Northtown Mall location will close.
Macy's still owns 764 locations nationwide including their other brands like Bloomingdales and Bluemercury stores that remain open.
You can read more details on which other stores are closing and in which state those are located here.