Kennewick Workshop Aims to Help Parents Protect Their Kids Online
Let's face it: there's a LOT of images and content on the internet that is just not good for kids to see. It's hard when your children need to use the internet for homework or games, to make sure that they are protected from content they don't need to see. If you're a parent there are tools to use, but it's not easy. That's why there will be a workshop to help provide parents with tools they can use to protect their children from pornography.
The Safeguard Series: Protecting Kids from Pornography is being offered in the Kennewick High School auditorium from 7 to 8:30PM (500 S. Dayton St) on Thursday, Feb 15th. The workshop is designed to address some issues like:
"What makes kids look at porn; why they often don’t tell adults; ways to teach kids to recognize, reject and report porn exposure; and conversation starters for families." -Tri-City Herald