Midnite Mudders Back to Eradicate Trash at Juniper Dunes April 13th
The Midnite Mudders are doing their 5th annual "Pack out what you Pack in" litter pick up at Juniper Sand dunes Saturday April 13th starting at 8:00 a.m.
The Midnite Mudders have had huge turn outs since 2015 and every year volunteers recover about 1500 lbs of glass and nails, several bags of trash, dumped rigs and scores of tires.
Their goal is to raise awareness to pack out what you pack in when using public lands. It doesn't matter if your a jeep guy or gal, hiker, camper, boater etc.... its all about raising awareness with the community that whether you use the sand dunes or any other public lands be it the mountains rivers etc..everyone needs to remember to "PACK OUT WHAT YOU PACK IN."
They will be joined by several other 4x4 and jeep clubs as well as support from the Franklin County Sheriff's Office.
Prizes and lunch will be offered this year. Local businesses have stepped up to provide free stuff besides the lunch being served after the clean up. Raffle proceeds go to the Tri-Tech Skills Center Automotive Department. You can find the midnite mudders group and info @ midnite Mudders on fb.