New Totally Cool Smart Tattoo Will Detect Changes to Your Health
Tatt stats:
45 million Americans have a tattoo. And my grandpa doesn't trust a-one-of-ya.
82 percent of people no longer consider a tattoo a "rebellious act".
Quite the contrary, wise up....
Scientists have developed a "smart tattoo" that can detect changes to your health. The New York Daily News reports researchers at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) say this tattoo can detect dehydration and blood sugar levels. The special ink is called Dermal Abyss. It is enhanced with biosensors that change color based on the chemistry of our p-H sodium, glucose, and hydrogen ions present in our body's fluids.
Testing was done using segments of pigskin, with the tattoos added. Colors on the tattoos changed depending on what the ink was testing for: pH sensing ink changes from purple to pink; increased glucose levels changed from green to brown and the sodium indicator's green became more intense under U-V light. Tattoos like this could one day be used on humans who need to manage diseases like diabetes.