Old Technology Stumps Youth, Convinces You and Me We’re OLD
If you weren't convinced you were an OLD PERSON before, this should pretty much seal it. A new survey showed pictures of old technology to kids who were between six and 18 years old, and asked them what they were looking at. And here are the results, which I now serve you with a side of Metamucil . . .which barely any of them had a clue about, "meta who sill?"...some of the quality nuggets are below, full story at yougov.
Courtesy YouGov Kids Tech Illustrative
- Pager . . . 86% had no idea what it was.
- Overhead projector . . . 71%.
- Floppy disk . . . 67%.
- Cassette . . . 40%.
- Video tape . . . 37%.
- Typewriter . . . 27%.
- Record player . . . 26%.
- Postcard . . . 23%.
- Disposable camera . . . 9%.
- Rotary phone . . . 5%.
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