One Trick Triples the Chances for Getting Your Lost Phone Back
A new study has found if you lose your phone, having your contact info on your lock screen triples your chances of getting it back.
If you have an Android, there should be a way to do it in your settings. If you have an iPhone, you might need to download an app. Or "Find My iPhone" has a way to do it AFTER you've lost it.
You're 50% more likely to lose your phone during the summer. So make sure you've got a 'find my phone' app installed.
iPhones have their "Find My iPhone" feature. Just make sure it's turned on. And if you have an Android, there's an app called "Find My Device".
But a new study found there's something else you can also do to up your chances of getting your phone back. Putting your contact info on your LOCK SCREEN
A team of researchers left a bunch of phones in random spots around three cities . . . L.A., New York, and Atlanta. And the ones with contact info listed on their lock screens were THREE TIMES more likely to be returned.
You can do it on most Android phones by going into the "Lock Screen" or "Security" section in your settings. If you have an iPhone, you might need to download an app.
There's one called LostFound that costs a buck.Or there's a way to do it through the "Find My iPhone" app AFTER you've lost your phone. Just log in at . . . put your phone in "Lost Mode" . . . and it should let you add a message to your lock screen remotely.