Duck Dynasty Promotes New Season, Blurts Out Home Address on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ [VIDEOS]
Season 3 of Duck Dynasty airs tonight on A&E and the bearded beauties were making the rounds to promote the show last night and stopped by The Jimmy Kimmel Live Show.
Last night gave us a lot to look forward to this upcoming season. We also found out the actual address of papa Phil Robertson as he slipped up and gave out his actual address in Monroe, Louisiana. While discussing with 'Kimmel' as Phil called Jimmy all night, the fans are getting out of hand. He was telling the story about a group from Canadians that pulled up outside of his home, and he said,
How did you get here, because I live at 538 Mouth of Cypress...
He was then saved as Willie stepped in and told his dad not to give out his address on national television. Check out where Phil and Miss Kay call home.
View Duck Dynasty in a larger map
The DD staff also talked about Morrissey canceling his performance on the show last night because he didn't want to play on the same night Duck Dynasty was there. Morrissey is pro vegan and wanted nothing to do with the meat-eating family. Phil handled the issue with the utmost respect. Check out the full interview below and make sure you tune in to A&E tonight at 10 p.m.
Duck Dynasty on Jimmy Kimmel Live - Segment 1
Duck Dynasty on Jimmy Kimmel Live - Segment 2