Seattle Seahawks Fans Were Named the Most Optimistic & I Know Why
Being a Seattle Seahawks fan for the last 25 years, I think I know why Seahawks fans were recently given this label.
Seattle Seahawks Fans Named Most Optimistic in the NFL
When I saw that the publishing website Preply had named the Seattle Seahawks fans as the most optimistic, I immediately understood why. First, let me say that I have been a huge fan of the Seattle Seahawks since 1980 when I was 5 years old. I am a season ticket holder and have hardly missed a single home game in the last 18 years. I was there through the days when we were lucky to get a win and even almost lost our team to Los Angeles. That is why when I hear an outsider say Seattle fans are optimistic, I just have to smile because they obviously don't understand what we have gone through.
It has Been Tough to Be a Seattle Sports Fan
The Northwest (or what the rest of the world refers to as Seattle) has been a difficult place to be a sports fan. Few professional sports teams have made Seattle home and even fewer have gotten any national recognition. Teams like the early Seahawks and the Seattle Sonics were mostly forgotten by the rest of the sports world. Fans back in the 80s and 90s were just happy to have a team to support and took pride in the amount of noise we could make whether the team was competitive or not. The Mariners have never even played a single game in the World Series, holding the record for the longest period any pro team has not made it to their league championship. We lost the NHL Metropolitans, the Sonics, and the XFL Dragons. (I still refuse to call them the Sea Dragons.)
Super Bowl 48 Brought Huge Celebrations in Seattle
Seattle finally got its first "modern" championship when the Seattle Seahawks won the Super Bowl in 2013. Of course, we are positive about the few professional teams we have even if they suck year after year. That is because we know what it is like to have our team taken away and we appreciate the fact that we still have teams to root for at all. Read more about the other positive teams around the world or the teams with the worst optimism at Preply.com.
Gallery: Seattle Seahawks Celebration 48
10 Years Ago Today: Seattle Seahawks Win Superbowl XLVIII
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