See Both ‘Jumanji’ Movies Back to Back on the Big Screen!!
A game for those seeking to leave their world behind... JUMANJI! Back in 1995 were were first introduced to Jumanji! In the film kids, play start to play a mysterious game called Jumanji without realizing that the game is MUCH more real than any other game. The movie starring Robin Williams and Kirsten Dunst was a huge hit, and it became a hit again with the reboot/sequel in 2017 starring Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Kevin Hart, and Jack Black. Fans of either (or both) can see them again back-to-back on the big screen this June!
Fathom Events is bringing both movies back to theaters June 10th and 11th, and yes, they will be showing in Tri-Cities! The Columbia Mall 8 theater will have the films on both days. Click here to get tickets, and remember if you wish to leave the game, you must save Jumanji, and call out its name!