How Did This Semi End Up Deep In a Washington State Lake
Last week a semi was found in a well-known Washington State lake, but it is the story of how it got there that is interesting.
Semi Underwater in Manchester Washington
Kitsap County Sheriff Got Reports of a Semi underwater near a boat launch in Manchester Washington last Wednesday morning. When they arrived, Police found a semi that was hauling 50,000 pounds almost completely underwater sitting on a boat ramp. Only the top of the exhaust pipe was sticking out.
The Driver Had to Think Quickly with No Brakes
The driver of the semi describes losing his brakes on E. Main Street and having to find a safe place to stop his truck. If you are not familiar with the area, East Main Street in Manchester is a pretty steep and narrow hill that runs down to the beach and luckily a local boat launch. The driver managed to drive his semi down the narrow street, and crash into the boat launch lake water safely.
Luckily Everyone No One Was Injured
The quick thinking of the driver along with a little luck contributed to no injuries in this accident. The situation could have been much worse with 50,000 pounds flying uncontrolled down the hill. On the Twitter post, users chimed in with how they thought the driver was a hero.
The Semi Driver is Being Called a Hero
People reading about the story on Twitter posted how they thought the driver was a hero. One said "That driver’s quick thinking potentially saved a lot of property and people. I’m for it." Another person gave credit to the driver's quick thinking saying "Pretty quick thinking to drive into the water!" I agree, the still un-named driver is a hero and the people of Manchester Washington were lucky he was behind the wheel that day. See the full original post below.