April 10th is National Siblings Day and it actually started as a way to honor brothers and sisters who passed away at a very young age.

It’s now growing into a nationwide day of both remembrance and celebration. Most, if not all, states have issued gubernatorial proclamations to observe this day on April 10. Three U.S. presidents have recognized the event -- most recently, President Obama in 2016.

The Siblings Day Foundation, sponsors of this day, are working on establishing a United Nations resolution for an International Siblings Day.

89% of us have at least one brother or sister and 8% have had a physical FIGHT with a sibling that left marks or drew blood.

Does having an older brother who farts on a pillow and then pins me down to make me smell it...does that constitute a fight? I lost, by the way. It was the aroma of cauliflower. T.M.I.? Sorry.

Seattle Seahawks' Griffin twins celebrate this special day in their own unique way. Catch what that's all about here.

Some little know facts about siblings:

19% of Americans say they are completely different from their sibling(s)
10% of Americans say they are best friends with their sibling(s)
5% of Americans shared clothes (or still share clothes) with their sibling(s)
5% of Americans regularly hang out with their sibling(s) and share the same friend group.

Americans without siblings are actually perfectly happy that way. When asked whether they would prefer to have siblings or be an only child, 38% of sibling-less Americans said they are perfectly happy without siblings. Only 12% of Americans with siblings would prefer to be an only child.

Women prefer to be the youngest child; men would rather be the oldest. 35% of women would prefer to be the youngest child, 34% the oldest, 17% the middle child, and 14% an only child. Meanwhile, 40% of men would prefer to be the oldest child, 24% the youngest, 20% the middle child, and 16% an only child.

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