Not sure what's happening with the no longer all American beer Budweiser. For some reason its parent company (Which is now Belgian) has decided to change the famous brand's label...
I love to drink beer. I do it mildly and not to excess. It depends on where I am at and what is going on. I have a certain taste that I like as well, but I'm not picky -- I will drink any damn beer. (Well, except pumpkin spiced beer. Yuck!)
Backstage with Budweiser's and your new buds from the hit Comedy Central show Workaholics, yep that could be you. Find out more and enter to win an all-expense paid trip to the Budweiser Made in America Festival.
The Super Bowl might bring the promise of glory to one group of lucky fans and humiliating and bitter defeat to another, but for the rest of the universe, it's a chance to enjoy some primo, top-of-the-line adver-tainment.
Anheuser-Busch will be rolling out a redesigned can for its iconic Budweiser brand this summer. Bud’s first updated look in ten years will feature more red then before, and will give more space to Budweiser’s bow-tie shaped logo.