Benton City's Golden Bachelor Contestant, Faith Martin, gets a surprise invite from 'A Beautiful Noise' Broadway cast to sing 'Sweet Caroline' on stage in New York! [VIDEO]
The photos you’re about to see are from Faith Martin's time at 98.3 THE KEY in Tri-Cities, Washington starting in 2002 and ending the year she left the station in 2016. Faith’s warm and fun personality shines through in each photo. She has touched the entire town of Benton City, the Tri-Cities, and millions around the country.
Beloved Radio Personality Faith Martin rescued a group of stranded Seahawk fans traveling from Tri-Cities to Seattle on I-90 Snoqualmie Pass after their Seahawk Party Bus Crashed into a semi yesterday and safely delivered them to the game!
So many reason why I miss Faith Martin and here's another apparently she was dining at a local restaurant when a violent fight broke out, as usual the kind hearted soul she is...jumped into action a rescued a scared little's her story in her words!
Free concerts at Kennewick's Keeywadin park kickoff this Friday and every Friday for nine weeks, with Your Friday Fix. Get the schedule and join us for a great night of free entertainment.