fast food

Subway ‘Sandwich Artist’ Fired Over Ketchup Dispute Gone Awry
Subway ‘Sandwich Artist’ Fired Over Ketchup Dispute Gone Awry
Subway ‘Sandwich Artist’ Fired Over Ketchup Dispute Gone Awry
Maybe Subway is stepping up their game a tad. They've made it abundantly clear that they now have avocados and sriracha sauce, and they will NOT be putting ketchup on anybody's sandwich. At all. They don't even have ketchup, and one employee was willing to fight to prove it. They don't call them sandwich artists for nothing.
May Is National Hamburger Month
May Is National Hamburger Month
May Is National Hamburger Month
Whether you like yours with extra pickles or without onions, smothered in melted cheese or topped with bacon, you'll be excited to know May is National Hamburger Month. National Hamburger Month isn't exactly a sanctioned event and greeted with the same fervor as, say, Memorial Day, but it does have roots. White Castle, which celebrates its 90th anniversary this month, reportedly created the gimmic