What It’s Like to Go to the Movies During a PandemicWhat It’s Like to Go to the Movies During a PandemicHere’s what you’ll find when you go to the theater.Matt SingerMatt Singer
AMC Theaters Reopening With 15 Cent TicketsAMC Theaters Reopening With 15 Cent TicketsIt’s 1920 prices in 2020.Matt SingerMatt Singer
The Rules That Governed Movie Theaters and Studios For 70 Years Were Just ChangedThe Rules That Governed Movie Theaters and Studios For 70 Years Were Just ChangedThe Paramount Consent Decree comes to an end.Matt SingerMatt Singer
‘Tenet’ Will Never Skip Theaters For a VOD-First Release‘Tenet’ Will Never Skip Theaters For a VOD-First Release'Tenet' will hold it out until theaters reopen. Claire EptingClaire Epting
Movie Theaters Sue New Jersey, Claiming Forced Closure Violates Their First Amendment RightsMovie Theaters Sue New Jersey, Claiming Forced Closure Violates Their First Amendment RightsThree chains sued New Jersey, saying if churches are open, they should be too.Matt SingerMatt Singer