The Top Ten Things That Will Be More Expensive in 2018
It's a new year and with it comes new prices. Here's what I see as going to cost us more in 2018.
1. NEW HOMES -- 1.3 million fresh digs are expected, so experts predict a 4.9 percent increase in costs.
2. COLLEGE TUITION -- Sorry, Mom and Dad, The College Board expects the projected increases will outpace the rate of inflation.
3. SPORTING EVENTS AND FESTIVALS -- Simply put, they know if you want to see it bad enough you'll find a way to pay.
4. NATURAL GAS -- The transition to this preferred fuel means demand is rising along with the price.
5. RETAIL FOOD PRICES --Look for meat, eggs and dairy price tags to rise 1-2 percent, like now.
6. OIL -- Get set to pay more at the pump, because oil prices are expected to rise by three bucks a barrel.
7. MOVIES I didn't believe it either until I looked it up. OK, sure I get you charge less for the stinkers, but the ones you really want to see will be at a higher premium price.
8. MAIL AND PACKAGES The USPS has raised prices on packages, air freights and freights delivery, Fed EX too.
9. HEALTH INSURANCE -- No brainer, literally.
10. EVERYTHING -- Thank that-good-for-nothing inflation for this. Total inflation is expected to rise by 1.9 to 2.1 percent in 2018.
Happy New Year!
Let me know if I missed some or you disagree. Post your comments below.