Today I Learned: Doolittle’s Raiders Were From Pendleton!
After Pearl Harbor the U.S. wanted to retaliate against the Japanese so stunt-plane pilot Lt. Col. James Doolittle was tapped to figure out how to get the bombers there (he had a reputation for crazy antics). It was decided to load bombers onto aircraft carriers, fly those bombers to Japan, then land them in China. The plan mostly worked. 14 of the 16 crews returned home safely. The story is featured in the hit movie "Pearl Harbor." Well, did you know, those bomber pilots were from Pendleton?
The Bomb Squadron Doolittle recruited to help him were anti-submarine specialists based in Pendleton, Oregon who flew missions along the Oregon Coast. Most people in Pendleton already know this because honoring the raiders is part of their annual Veteran-appreciation events.
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