How to Avoid Being a Toxic Driver in Tri-Cities
Oh, look. Pete wrote another article about bad drivers. Doesn't he know every town has terrible drivers? Listen, what if I told you those things can both be true? Tri-Cities drivers share a plethora of terrible habits with the rest of the country. It doesn't make them any less irritating. Toxic habits such as:
People who don't know how to use their turn signal.
This gripe is paramount. How am I supposed to know it's okay for me to turn left on Lewis Street if you don't turn on your blinker to let me know you're also turning left on the opposite side of the intersection? My father is one of those people and it irks me beyond rational belief.
People who drive without a sense of urgency.
Look, I'm not trying to go ten over or something crazy but I find myself stuck behind drivers who are just "happy to be here" and drive five under the speed limit. I'm just trying to go 65 on SR-240, baby. It always seems to be minivans, too.
People that don't zipper on the Blue Bridge.
Look, you don't want to let me in. I understand that, but at least let me give you space to merge instead of hitting the gas.
People that drive slow in the passing lane.
It happens more than you think. Actually, it happens every day on SR-240. You cannot get around when people clog up the left lane.
People who can't make a decision or make the wrong decision in a roundabout.
There's this sweet spot where you don't come to a full stop if there isn't a car already in the circle headed right for you. People either slam on the breaks at a roundabout or they gun it and risk a fender bender with a car that had right of way.
People who drive lifted trucks and insist on backing up to park.
If you can successfully pull a reverse parking maneuver, disregard this. But far too many people try to squeeze their apocalyptic tank into a parking spot while hanging ass-end sideways.
People who get the brightest headlights you've ever seen.
I have a hard time driving at night. With my astigmatism, lights tend to blur and bright lights can give me a headache. So why don't we have drivers install the brightest aftermarket lights that blast my eyes to death via my rear-view mirror?
People that ride your ass on the highway.
Look, I'm not going to speed just because you want to. If my exit is coming up, I'm not moving over. If you feel called out, search internally.
People who don't let you in their lane on a busy street.
We're all going to wind up at the same stoplight so chill, Ken.
People who text and drive.
Yes, even though it's illegal in Washington, you can still see numerous drivers on the road with a phone in their hand. It's usually the car swerving and weaving just ahead of you. I usually speed up to pass those people because their lane awareness is obviously terrible.